Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21/ Get the flu shot and your likely hood of dying this year goes away!

Today has been a very long day. I woke up two hours earlier this morning so i could get to Macon to have my yearly MRI done. After that I went to school for math, but luckly i didn't have american government. When I got home I went out to my grandmother's house to cut her grass. After this was done, I went back home to take a shower. When I got home my mother said "to hurry up we are going to Macon." I fell asleep on the way up and didn't know where I was when we got there. Since my doctor moved her office to Riverside, I had no clue where I was. When i got inside the office there was mass confusion so that gave me a headache. I was finally called back and my mom said pull up your sleeve so you can get your flu shots. I don't have problems with shots since I had been getting allergy shots for the past four years. The H1N1 shot did sting a little but everyone needs to get this. There way too many people dying with the flu at the hospital in Macon. The flushot doesn't hurt so i encourage everyone to get it. IT IS IN MACON SO ASK FOR IT.